From Borneo with Love — Episode III : Third Encounter

9 min readMay 19, 2022


A Message for the 90s and the Millenials.

12nd April 2022, nothing much happen, as a Free-Writer, depends on the memories we have left. Life contains so much colour and meaning that you already know what your purpose in life is; mine is to keep surviving until it ends, and that will be my “settled down” moment, getting into the dream-reality based on an individual or as a team. wherever you go, there will be still in existency and we call it Knowledge and Test. Prying the past on these paths, just to ensure what is going on with your life, gives so much emotional encounter. Sadness, happiness, anxiety, blurry, or whatever you want to call it.

It reminds me of Eminem’s Space Bound.

I am a space-bound rocket ship, and your heart is the moon, and I am aiming right at you, 250 thousand miles on a clear night in June, and I am so lost without you.

— J Scheffer,Marshall Mathers,Steven McEwan

Lead your own way but not others.

We’re the survivors, better than the old ones. Tough ages, easy to distract, hyper-emotional encounters, and huge responsibilities – which sometimes the worst case can easily drive us to give up, be upset with people around, or maybe feel like committing suicide – are the next foolish decisions when it comes to failing. Now we can help others who need it. Family, spouse, and friends, continuous peace and war, and the effects of the actions of old folks stemming from different ideologies shape our lives: inflation, recession, rich and poor, drug and sex abuse, but, as I promised you, the end is near. It’s your own ageing that causes your emotions to act out of control, and you need each other to aid you in surviving. money, time, shelter, food, love, or even health. We need to redistribute it.

But we have been driven from our nature of being to love or be loved. We are fighting ourselves to reach the kind of negative emotion that comes from high expectations from people who shouldn’t have them. Sometimes other people are involved by accident due to free access to tonnes of information and an uncontrolled liberated lifestyle. For those who survive, congratulation, but the rest are still reeling. Still reeling from things that are not in our reality. Probably a Dreamer, most of us.

Nancy and Lily know what exactly happen now, both know as their days are almost over, the only lifespan for individual is only 60 years, and the common issue is already at their hand to face, and everything will die first before their bodies, ideologies, skill, ability, getting senile, aging skin, losing focus on something, whilst they are taught themselve to reminds their last day on earth, memories and the rest to be taken to the next realm with what emotion and feeling. Have you see an old man and woman getting so active ? Yeah, i’ve seen ones, they’re feels like tomorrow will never been enough for today.

Amir Kh from Unplash

Don’t be so childish.

The second marriage for Nancy is the next crucial moment that almost drives her to act out of her control; even the last resort for her still gives her opportunity, but much more so from the allegations of a more challenging life at a young age. She didn’t think that what she expected from others could also condemn her life and also bring her the meaning of love and life. As she faces the bright and dark moments of her life by choosing her fate to marry a single man where a person is schizophrenic, Under the pretext of hoping for a man who has a stable job and comes from a religious group, it is merely Nancy’s intention to live a more orderly life. Yes, it is a woman’s desire to be cared for and valued, and in terms of religion, it is not wrong because the woman needs a companion whom they are pleased with.

Nancy did tell the world that every woman should choose wisely about her life in the context of marriage. Not only should you pick someone who has a stable life in terms of economy, but mental health also drives the relationship between a partner and both families; even if they are stranded with someone who has a mental illness, they need to be strong to face it and always be supportive. We know that the more advanced the civilization, the more advanced the community economy, but from there, we know that the advancement of mental health is also in line with what the advancement of infrastructure provides. So the civilization that was built is healthy.

Love is blind, whether you are blinded by yourself by hoping for something to aid yours or being blinded by things or someone with whom you feel you can strive together in life. Both need sacrifice, and family expansion is the proof of the cause. Giving birth is a part of love, as is taking care of family. Life cannot afford to go alone by itself, even if it is not perfect inwardly. Once again, the author wants to emphasize that the world is the place of our trials, in terms of all aspects of life. One of them is love. And the need for each other is a must.

Caleb Ekeroth from Unsplash

The future is unknown; you need to be brave to break the habits if you only want to be strong, just like Nancy.

Be faithful

Second marriage for Nancy, 1988 after a long period of Nancy struggling with her younger sister Lily together, both sisters separated at last for a while. Both still feel like they need each other as siblings, with whom they can always exchange opinions and build ideologies. Nancy choose to be with her second love and migrating to Malaysia peninsular is the toughest decision she made. Because of love and trust, they blindly take it as an advantage to improve their lives. Her willingness to adopt new traditions and live with the Malays from the difference in lifestyle, religious belief, and mentality. A two and a half hour flight landed near Subang Airport, the first step forward in Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital city. Living near Taman Malawati and her second child’s birth is the most lovely third encounter for her.

Be brave and intelligent.

Dometic violence Nancy, probably the #1 killer in every family that she built, was a domestic violence victim from her second marriage. In Malaysia, more than 9000 cases were recorded due to MCO between the first outbreak of COVID-19 and the present, most of which were caused by economic factors, miscommunication in marriage, and mental illness. In Nancy’s cases, it involved his partner having acute schizophrenia, where her husband faced excessive pressure while serving as a forest policeman on the border of the Philippines and Malaysia between 1985 and 1990, where the events her husband faced were very challenging, one of which was a shootout between the authorities and pirates rampant around the island on the border of Sabah and Sulu, where members of her husband were killed in front of his eyes when besieged by a group of terrorists and pirates on an island where they were assigned to guard the movement of illegal immigrants in and out on a nearby island. Shot after shot in front of him, which resulted in fragments of bullets hitting part of his arm, fortunately did not disfigure his body, but the killing of his friend on duty made him traumatised and continued to shroud him in guilt, so that he continued to be mentally stressed until the end of his care by Nancy. He was supposed to drag his platoon into the lower ground to evade the blind shooting, but unfortunately, he’s only staring and watching his members die without a command to save them from the platoon commander just to avoid exposing the platoon’s position. After the shooting, the next platoon came in to save them, repelling the attack and retreating.

Nancy’s husband’s mental illness started before the marriage, and Nancy did not know anything about her partner’s mental health before marriage, because her partner’s schizophrenia is sometimes said to be normal, but when it comes to stress, her partner can only be calmed by the platoon leader who was with him during the black events of the murder of a colleague on the battlefield. Even so, Nancy remained heartbroken for her schizophrenic husband as long as he was alive, until her husband’s passing in 2009.

Ranger by Edward Delputte from Unsplash

During suffering, her husband needs medication and a dose of sedative injections if his emotions are disturbed, but at that time, the use of medication only lasts for a short time, and if the sedative effect is gone, her husband will act out of bounds, so often Nancy will be severely beaten, even though her husband did not use his children as a place of domestic violence. Although there was some time that her husband almost hit her son but was saved by other members of the platoon, Her husband was once arrested and sent to a mental patient ward in Kuala Lumpur Hospital by the Head of Department for further treatment shortly after the 1992 incident of violence against Nancy.

Nancy never loses faith in this tragedy, which mostly drives her attitude because she almost gave up on ending her marriage with her husband due to his mental health condition, even though she already has four children with him. Nancy continues to fight for her beloved family, despite much strong opposition from her husband’s family for not accepting a daughter-in-law who comes from the Iban tribe of Sarawak. Nancy continues to struggle because of her new religion, Islam, which has taught her a lot about precise patience and infinite love for her family.

It’s a message for the millenial age to take an example on how a woman and a man struggle with their lives to achieve the goal of heaven. Without faith, we are nothing, just like animals, but what you have learned from them, what you have been taught by them, is to always keep pace, have solid discipline, awareness of mental and physical health as a priority to make your life better, support others who have a hard life, keep the communication clean, and maintain integrity in any form of life. Help each other. Heaven was built for many. Today, the struggles are different from 20 years ago, and I know that today is a rough moment for us all, with some of them losing and some of them winning. One of the kinds of struggles that contribute to mental illness nowadays is social media. That’s the medium that can easily condemn all people around the world instead of taking it as experiential learning. Cyberbullying, the “bad trend” that is dragging all teenagers into bad habits, free sex, alcohol, drug issues, slandering, gossip, or any kind that can contribute to mental illness.

Don’t worry and be helpful to others.

A friend will never leave you behind; a family will always support you when you’re feeling down; a couple will never let you go in hard times. Otherwise, I can’t say anything about humanity if all the good people vanish. This is the 21st century, Nancy already faces most of it, and I respect her thinking and ideology. The same goes for people who wish to stay with us to strive through this life together. At the end, death is always ahead of us, awaiting our arrival. InsyaAllah, heaven is created for those who really spread love and kindness to all.

To be continued…


Next Episode, From Borneo with Love – Episode IV : The Nature & Dilemma of being Peranakans.




A Free-Writer, the egalitarian people who came from nowhere from East Malaysia .