From Borneo with Love – Episode II : Of Revelation and Heart Rebel

9 min readMar 19, 2022


Everyone has their own discipline, which will lead them into situations that fortunately require morality and honesty, so the life test will be well resolved, even if it takes a very long time. It may take years; some of us may take our whole lives, but at least with the habit of good discipline, that does not make us run away from the problems we face because as long as life exists, as long as there is a test forever in existence, it needs time to be resolved.

It’s how Nancy faces about Since she was born, she has been tested with various thorns of life, one of which concerns her ideology and carrying of character as one who was once always commanded to do things she’s not proud of. Not least, the habits of individuals like Nancy are always sidelined, but in that case, they also carry strong self-values without giving in easily. Despite being married and having children, Nancy remains steadfast in her quest to find the meaning and purpose of life in the world.

Tepak Sireh from Vitdaily

Divorce can be either good or bad

Like the previous episode, the author reminds readers not to base their understanding on current issues alone; it is necessary for readers to always remember that everything that is written must have access to the logic of reason and the morality of a story. Divorce is among the most devastating cases in the eyes of the world, and the issue is also capable of ruining families, although originally each loved the other.

For a very long time, the love had no buds, even for Nancy, and marriage without a clear intention in her heart stressed her soul as a person. To the reader, it may seem like nothing serious, but in the original concept of family, without pure love and affection, it is difficult for Nancy to pursue her dream of being someone who is able to stand on her own two feet or rather give her partner the best. Even though at the time Nancy had a child, she still did not forget her responsibilities as a mother; only Nancy’s stubbornness made her want genuine freedom in terms of individual context.

Once religions play the role

Nancy was interested in the Muslim lifestyle, which drove her to her Muslim friends since high school, and Lily’s first conversion was to Islam with Javan-muslim ethnic. One of the things she loves about Islam is when she watches her friend fast during Ramadan and learns about wearing the hijab.

A bright new day

Nancy probably feel of being independence so much until she managed to be standalone and self-encouraging to stay humble. In terms of respect, she knows that she must respect her mind before she can respect her partner. So the couple’s responsibilities will be number two in her discipline, which drives them to be seperated in their own way. Meanwhile, both already have children, so Nancy will take over the responsibilities as a good mother to the child. Separation does not give only bad things; a person can decide what is best for them.

Nancy makes her way by herself with her child. Since that day, Nancy has been capable of doing anything for her future, while Lily is struggling to take care of her family, which led Lily to be seperated at last. But for both of them, this situation is kind of leading Nancy and Lily to have full authority over their lives without men. A bright new day for Nancy to learn about life and continue her mission to always support her parents’ lives Being a single mother is not as hard as people think. As long as you have the discipline, mentality, and curiosity to learn about it, you will find your true freedom. A brave new heart is the key to being an independent woman.

First emotion encounter

Due to the social issue, everyday will be the hardest moment for us as individuals; even the organisation will feel the effects of individuality encounters in a career context. which means the opportunity does not fix discipline nowadays. People tend to have more fun than they are serious about life, and earning money is the issue. I’m questioning people about why they should seek fun from people who are not used to it. The answer is yes, as you can see by how much social media is created. Unlike 20 or 30 years ago, when the fun was limited to only certain groups and places, And it is not as bad as it is now, where people depend on the screen, humiliating people rather than being informative (except for those who really use the media for life improvement).

You also know why some people really hate the media. One click can ruin a kid’s life. One rule leads people to make life worse. They wanted to seek entertainment, which later gave birth to the generation we often hear about: “No men, just boys; no women, just little girls.” too soft and easy to manipulate. Nancy and Lily tend to keep their issues out of reach of the media and the public. where mostly these old people really survive with it. People will never give a damn about social life after they face the most difficult moment, and this issue will give another birth to the old-school mind where this exactly will make them survive, just like how Nancy and Lily tend to be.

Almost 80% of divorce cases are likely caused by small things. According to the JAKIM Statistics of Marriage and Divorce in Malaysia, one of the ridiculous issues is when the partner makes a mess with biscuit crumbs in the car. And posting a comment on social media about it, and deciding to divorce? What the hell is going on here? And it shows that the difference between old-school and new-school is, as an example, like the difference between hippies and hipsters. Nancy and Lily didn’t give a damn thing and didn’t speculate on their lives, and that’s the good thing both sisters had. I really think about how we are going to survive in a toxic environment, just like Nancy and Lily did. It amazes me.

SickEye#999 NFT from OpenSea ; Ngajat Dancer, Traditional Iban wear.

In the late 1980s, Southeast Asia was struck with inflation that lasted until the late 1992 period under the rule of Mahathir as Prime Minister, when Nancy was working as an operator with RM150 per month, equal to $35.30. keep surviving, as she can still afford clothes and food for her son and provide money for her parents, while also being a full-time housewife before she got divorced. Fortunately, Nancy was still happy with what she earned and did not take the “I want to get rich even faster” mentality too seriously, which drives most women to be super lavish nowadays. kind of weak mentality when they still hope for money that can make people happy. But for Nancy and Lily, money is not on their list of priorities.

You can buy a house but not a home; you can buy a bed but not good sleep;… You can buy a clock, but not time. You can buy books but not knowledge. You can buy friends, but not love. You can pay hospital but not health. You can buy food, but not appetite.

Revelation brings Nancy to know well about Islam, bringing her to the ultimate choice of belief. Everyone will have one crucial revelation that was given by an external force, which I call “Taufik Hidayah” in Arabic. Yes, and it is not limited to only Muslims but is comprehensive to all human beings, whether they are people who believe in it or not; humans cannot live without this force except they have no soul. For Nancy and Lily, Christianity brings them a better understanding of life’s vision as a creation. People tend to question about things like the Creator and religion, but for a better understanding, do you feel the air flow on your body? Yes, right? But you can’t see the air flow. understanding of a power whose senses are incapable of perceiving the outward appearance of its existence. And for Iban culture, adopting Christianity at the time of the Brooke Family ruling was so much easier as the basic beliefs of the Iban goddess absorbed easily into Christian belief.

I am really thankful for the Christian community, which drives all pagan religions in this world to accept Christianity. In Borneo, the main religion is Christianity, as it was the first religion to be adopted before Islam.

Rebels Heart

Working as an administrator in a plastic factory in Sibu town and side-hustling as a waitress at the Sibu Metropol Hotel while continuing her typewriting skills at the local college was the best decision for Nancy to continue her dream at that time. like what most new generations achieve for finding opportunity via gaining experience, learning new skills, and adding value to themselves as employees, which later brings Nancy a good opportunity in accounting and typewriting.

Thom Milkovic from Unsplash

There was a time before the use of computers when typewriters were the next-best mechanical keyboard and the game for children whose parents worked with typewriters. before 1990. It means that those who can master the use of typewriters smoothly are the future pioneers of the country.

Nancy’s parents didn’t give any encouragement for their daughter to move on; perhaps the parents at the time weren’t too liberal and forward-thinking about lessons and life skills in modern times. Or they may only encourage their daughter to marry and be a full-time housewife. not for her. After graduation, struggling to find good opportunities in typing and accounting, Nancy managed to work as a waitress in a local hotel, the Metropol Sibu. having a great time with new friends and a new lifestyle. Living from paycheck to paycheck, supporting her child’s growth, and helping her parents gives Nancy the satisfaction of being a good young adult. Non-alcoholics are also non-smokers. But Pinang and Sireh.

Pinang and sireh are a kind of mixture of arca nuts and betel, chewed with tobacco and lime betel together, which is the tradition for Asian elders.

Taken with iPhone 11 Pro; Batang Rajang, Kapit.

First time went to Kapit District in Sarawak, deep in the Borneo forest, so many memories bring, there’s been lots of change recently, and the artistic value of this community gives much hope. I wish we could go to Belaga next time. Getting lost in the unknown.

The photo above was taken near Kapit, a small historical town, and one of the Brookes Castles built there, the Fort of Sylvia.

It’s easy for us if we have good timing for everything we are going to do, our future, and our plans. It’s everyone’s wish to make the dream come true. Respect and faith, where Nancy will going to give it seriously. Almost 5 years before she got married with her second husband, she politely fought for her freedom through struggle and faith in Islam. She met her good partner in Sibu, who was of Javan ethnicity and Muslim faith. Everyone thought that she would leave her tradition, but only she can define what life has taught her about faith, and she knows that Islam will lead her to a better life.

Nancy used to fight old-mind thinking that her parents had; this is the rebellious thing she has done within her lifetime, just to ensure the future everyone wishes for.

Dimana bumi dipijak, Disitu langit akan dijunjung .. Sebesar zarah pun , ia akan turut dihitung sebagai amalan .. mahupun baik atau sebaliknya .. -Unknown

To be continued…


Next Episode, From Borneo with Love — Episode III : Third Encounter




A Free-Writer, the egalitarian people who came from nowhere from East Malaysia .