From Borneo with Love – Episode VII : A Dreams

7 min readMar 20, 2023


A chess player, a game, or a conflict may color your journey into the beyond. About interest.

GR Stock from Unsplash

For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate. – Margaret Hefferman

Di hujung Perjalanan, Di hujung jiwa, Meski jatuh atau Bangun, Ia sudah dihujung Perjalanan – Puteh


No one can help; at the end of this age, Nancy moves on her own without anyone’s help in dignifying her life as a family but is only struggling to make a living. Discipline brought and continued for his small family with Lily. They are waiting for their two heirs, who will continue the passion for their small legacy. Will it work?

Maybe yes, it worked from the point of view of spirit in fraternal life and was continued by their children; Nancy’s eldest is Abang, and Lily’s eldest is Azlan. Will these two continue the legacy of the egalitarian spirit of mixed Dayak people? Or will they both choose their own paths? I hope they are not selfish, because the root of the broken family tree comes from the spirit of self-importance and self-elevation. a dream for those who dream of a big, united family. The title of life after the departure of Nancy and Lily from this world will be revealed later. Or it might not happen?

We are well aware that every civilization will end with the fall of morals, the erasure of traditions, and the introduction of elements capable of undermining the harmony of kinship. As we see the Saudi Arabian family that has been in conflict for a long time, their people will be the target of greed in the struggle for power, therefore the young children who will see it as a follower in their own time. We are also aware of the death of Queen Elizabeth, which made the European nation threatened by the power of Eurasia since Europe includes both Eurasia and Iberian, which are also brothers. We are also aware of the civil wars that are always happening in every corner of the world. Where it will end is with a fraternity that will be decided by different ideologies, a kind of narrow-eyed and squinty-nosed people whose essence is the result of a mixture of the Mongolian people, hence the creation of their civilization in China, Korea, Indo-China, and Japan.

Milan Bosancic from Unsplash

Die trying

Nancy once tried to save her younger sister Lily from the scene of their half-sister’ comflict, where Lily was almost killed by her half-sister, named Tani. Because of greed as well as differences in holdings and ideologies.

Social norms that are always in conflict and the creation of a territory called the national border, or better known as a cognate, with different ideologies of family institutions. The Taegukki War in the Korean War series is one example of a conflict between cognate that prolonged, the cause of which is external elements, namely the power of the western alliance in the South Korea and the threat of communist ideology from the North Korea.

So, why should we relate it here? Conflict sometimes pushes us to become better versions of ourselves. Nancy and Lily’s biological mother, Jamas, was married before her mother met Nancy and Lily’s biological father, Irang, and was blessed with a daughter and a son, Tani and Raras. The result of her mother’s first marriage is of Iban ethnicity; her mother’s first husband was from Belaga before her mother’s second marriage to an Irang, from Sungai Mahakam, who gave birth to Nancy and Lily. Nancy and Lily follow the faith of their biological father Irang, who is Christian, while Tani and Raras remain with the Iban animist faith, namely Panggau Libau, through their mother Jamas. Such is the diversity of beliefs in Borneo.

Social Imbalance

Intermarriage from different customs and religions is the norm for the Borneo community, where it is something good in the beginning, but there is still a gap that makes Integrity in the Family Institution not handled prudently. It can also lead to a social imbalance between the two customs.

The Dayak by Ainun Jamila from Unsplash

But Nancy and Lily are always careful to take care of their little family, both to maintain the brotherhood between their children and to fulfill Nancy and Lily’s dream of seeing their little family grow up well. Conflict after conflict passed, and the tenacity of these two sister became the pillar of eternal sisterhood between their children later. Abang and Azlan have cousins from Tani and Raras lineages but are not as closely related as Abang and Azlan. I once told about the first child from Nancy’s first marriage, namely Alifi Tero in previous episode, right? So here Abang has another elder brother of the different paternal.

For a circumstance, Dayak was once famous for its egalitarian system rather than elitism, which we know from one of the Dayak activists in East Kalimantan, Samarinda.

An entrepreneurship by force

Nancy’s childhood, learning about business, began by selling durian fillings collected from the forest. Durian is a type of local fruit in Borneo, where this fruit has a very sharp smell and spiky. Harvesting this durian fruit is very easy; when it has matured, it will removed from the tree itself, and the farmer will only collect the fruits that fall to the ground. In the yard of their family’s land, every time the fruit season comes, Many wild animals try to eat the ripe durian before the farmers get it, so some of the fruit is damaged. This makes one of Nancy’s techniques to separate some of the durian contents that are still good from the damaged ones to make “Tempoyak” to sell. Tempoyak is also one of the foods made from durian that is already very ripe, where it is used as an ingredient in traditional Borneo foods such as Ikan Tempoyak or as a side dish with other dishes like Sambal Tempoyak. After selling the contents of the durian, Nancy brought home the money from the sale to give to her mother Jamas, while also buying a handful of rice and cooking oil, a packet of tobacco, and betel leaves to give to her, all bought from a Chinese merchant not far from their longhouse, At least with the profit Nancy makes, she can ease her family’s days ahead. A mother who saw her son Nancy’s painstaking efforts to make money from Nancy’s business results made Jamas shed emotional tears, and that made Nancy even more passionate to help her struggling family.

Due to economic inequality, the weak struggle on their own without help; according to the UN, the world has failed in wealth distribution, which causes 71 percent of the human population to struggle with capitalism.

Things between Elitism, Egalitarian and the People around the world

Inequality – Bridging the Divide from UN

During Nancy’s childhood, she spent time foraging for forest produce with Lily to earn her school fees. Even though the term “poverty” never existed in her life, the hardship was still felt for them in Nanga Ibau. As long as Nancy stayed in her school hostel until the end of school, she always took the opportunity to find forest products and do business when the school holiday season arrived. Nancy had a desire to build a black mirror for the wall of her family’s house in Nanga Ibau – her big dream during her wandering in a foreign land. Even her family also cannot afford to own a house now. How does she want to realize the dream?

Now that Neo-Liberal Capitalism has taken over, are you willing to do a 9 – 9 and 24/7 job? Or even more than that… as we know it happened in China, 996 rules… there is no ‘American Dream’ anymore.

Ethnic Relationship

But, the greed of this new world makes their age give up before achieving their dreams. where their children should continue this dream after them. Day after day, Nancy and Lily were almost reaching their old age – very old. But what their children are proud of is their mothers’ satisfaction in living a life full of adventure. Nancy and Lily have gone through more than 3 phases of mid-life crisis: the first divorce occurred because of the social imbalance between ethnic groups, the hardships of life occurred because of the economic imbalance between Southeast Asian countries, the third from the country’s political imbalance issue, and then the imbalance of these 3 things affected their children. Are their children’s lives repeated with the problems that once happened to their parents? Hope not. What is written in Nancy’s heart is also written in the feelings of her second son, Abang. It’s just that Abang needs constant advice from Nancy when it comes to inheriting things related to kinship.

The government must act to prevent their extinction.

To be continued ..


Next Episode : From Borneo with Love – Episode VIII : Perseverance




A Free-Writer, the egalitarian people who came from nowhere from East Malaysia .